"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
U.S. Constitution - Amendment IV
This coincides with the news that New York mayor Michael Bloomberg stating that police will begin conducting random searches of packages and backpacks of people entering the city and perhaps even those traveling by bus or train.
We have to ask ourselves, 'Do we really want to continue suspending our only guarantee against the invasion of our rights by any dictatorial power now or in the future?'
U.S. Constitution - Amendment IV
Take a look at this picture taken at the Amtrak station and notice the national guard in the background.
This coincides with the news that New York mayor Michael Bloomberg stating that police will begin conducting random searches of packages and backpacks of people entering the city and perhaps even those traveling by bus or train.
We have to ask ourselves, 'Do we really want to continue suspending our only guarantee against the invasion of our rights by any dictatorial power now or in the future?'
Come on Eric, what should we do?
If they do it at airports, why not train and bus depots? Probably even end up with random toll booth searches (does New Yordk have toll booths).
Actually, they are already discussing expanding to the bus stations and others areas as well as to other cities including San Francisco.
Yes Fred, I believe that we should do nothing that is unconstitutional. We should never tolerate any tyranny no matter the circumstances, because like taxes, it is virtually impossible to get them back when we give them up.
So, Chris, what happy little utopia are you from?
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