Thursday, September 01, 2005

Martial Law in New Orleans

As I stated earlier, I spent some of the day Sunday preoccupied with CNN coverage of hurricane Katrina and their seeming apocalypse-oriented coverage of a storm and their seemingly conjoined relation to FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Come Monday morning, it would have seemed that their rantings were largely unwarranted and New Orleans had "dodged a bullet".

However, time sometimes leads to change and several levees saw fit to collapse which led to the Superdome having more in common with alligators than it previously had.

This situation eventually led to the declaration of martial law in the area to contain the damage. I have reason to believe that this is Federal martial law and not what would be a proper city/state martial law.

This in addition to the revelation that it would seem that the levees might have been allowed to collapse by what would seem to be Federal 'Officials' (one wonders why we tolerate our servants telling us what to do). In addition to this, we see the Pentagon is sending in warships to assist.

Is this just weather or has the federal government seized on this opportunity to do a 'trial run' on the upcoming martial law? It is definitely far to early to say, but it is definitely possible.

The Real Effect
You only have to look at a few pictures to understand that at the bare minimum, this is tragic. But it appears on the surface it is being used to condition the public that martial law is a good thing and can be used to help people. More updates later...

Edited for context, appearance and labels on 3/5/2010.

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