For starters, Bush fingers Iran five times by directly naming the regime and associating it with terrorism. It is hardly a secret that Iran will be next on the chopping block. But first let's look at what is being said:
"First, we must balance the federal budget." "What we need to do is impose spending discipline in Washington, D.C."Is this why Bush pushed for what is going to be the biggest program in the history of the Federal Government, prescription drugs for seniors? For the sake of "spending discipline"?
"Next, there is the matter of earmarks."This is Bush's 7th year as president and NOW we are dealing with earmarks.
"Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid are commitments of conscience, so it is our duty to keep them permanently sound. "This is a ridiculous statement. Just whose conscience are we talking about hear? The middle class that will be stripped to the poor house paying for these legal pay-for-votes in lost pay raises, increased property taxes, and income taxes? This also reveals that most politicians have no inclination what-so-ever to stop taking your money."
"you and I can fix Medicare and Medicaid – and save Social Security."Isn't "fixing" Medicare a Democratic talking point? And would it really be so bad if Social Security died?
"We must increase funds for students who struggle"I thought these student need help, not "funds". And what happened to "What we need to do is impose spending discipline in Washington, D.C."
"A future of hope and opportunity requires that all our citizens have affordable and available health care. When it comes to health care, government has an obligation to care for the elderly, the disabled, and poor children."So you and I do not have an obligation to care for the underclass, it's the government that bares the load. Now if only they funded themselves...
"I propose a standard tax deduction for health insurance that will be like the standard tax deduction for dependents. "Ah, the start of Universal Health Care coverage.
"this reform will level the playing field for those who do not get health insurance through their job."Sounds like socialistic talk to me.
"I have asked the Secretary of Health and Human Services to work with Congress to take existing federal funds and use them to create “Affordable Choices” grants."This would be the next step in Universal Health Care.
"the best health care decisions are made not by government and insurance companies, but by patients and their doctors."The truth is finally coming in and it's too bad Bush is not advocating these policies."
To secure our border, we are doubling the size of the Border Patrol – and funding new infrastructure and technology."I will believe it when I see it.
"we cannot fully secure the border unless we take pressure off the border – and that requires a temporary worker program. "
"As a result, they won’t have to try to sneak in..."They HAVE to sneak in?
"We will enforce our immigration laws at the worksite, "No you won't. You will do high-profile big busts and yet leave the border wide open.
"and give employers the tools to verify the legal status of their workers"This is one to watch. This will more than likely morph into the National ID system when the Real ID act comes into effect in 2008. Imagine a database in which you must report in order to get a job, pay taxes, travel, and in general live life.
"Let us build on the work we have done and reduce gasoline usage in the United States by 20 percent in the next ten years "Just how is the Federal Government going to do that? I'm guessing coercion. But exactly how?
"by setting a mandatory Fuels Standard to require 35 billion gallons of renewable and alternative fuels in 2017"Ah yes, the wonderful Federal Standards that have screwed us up in first place. This will only make the problem much worse.
"I ask Congress to double the current capacity of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve."OK, the government spends more on stockpiling. What was that again about spending?
The Real Effect
So George Bush's strategy on controlling spending is to open up the checkbook. I guess with all the Democrats around, he feels the need to fit in.
1 comment:
I could never have voted for Gore or Kerry, but the Republicans are leaving republicans nowhere to go...
"and give employers the tools to verify the legal status of their workers"
To monitor some, you must monitor all...
The Republicans have hurt the heritage of freedom with the REAL ID Act and their obsession with biometrics...
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