Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Cindy Sheehan and the Right

I have struggled for the last week to understand the significance of this woman's story and its supposed contribution to the national news. Here are the abbreviated facts that I can gather at this point:
  1. Cindy's son served in Iraq and was killed. President Bush visited the Sheehans and Cindy was reported/quoted as receiving his visit warmly.
  2. Sometime over the last year, Cindy appears to have soured and changed her stated opinion to the nature of the visit with President Bush. This has outraged many conservatives who now view her as some sort of patriot traitor.
  3. Sensing the outrage, the 'left' has rushed to Cindy's aid and joined in her protest.

Given, this is a selective redaction of some of the events, but much of the other points do little to explain the overall situation, they merely exasperate one side of the debate or the other. So, the conclusion I am left to draw is that for some reason a grieving mother, that I believe is a tad dramatic and obsessed with the war, is trying to make logical sense of her son's death in light of the given situation in Iraq. And for this she is publicly trashed.

Yet, where is the national news and public outrage on this event?

An admitted Bush follower, furious with the anti-war crowd, attached a chain to the back of his pickup truck and drug it through a bed of crosses and flags that the demonstrators had erected as tribute to the sacrifice our soldiers have made in Iraq, knocking many of them down and running them over. (See right.) From reports gathered, the local law enforcement managed to corner the guy on the road because it had no exit. (A brilliantly executed plan I might add.)

Now perhaps the story will break in the next day or so, but I highly doubt that it will receive the same type of attention that Cindy Sheehan has received. This man has put not only himself, but others in danger in order to exercise his 'free speech'. This doesn't even mention his 'lack of support' for the troops and his utter disdain for our national flag. Yet at this point, Cindy is merely a protester.

If the right wishes to remain credible, then the level of rhetoric that should be leveled at this lunatic should be substantially larger than the accusations made of Cindy. Or is it possible that it's true that the right does care less about principles than agenda?

Yes folks, I got it up before Drudge. :) (That would be true of more of my info if I just sat down and typed it up.) The Drudge Report is posting a link to The Smoking Gun, which has run a story on the incident. While motive is not surprisingly unlisted, that article can accessed here.


Shana said...

All I have to say is that her son volunteered for the military. Bush didn't force her son into joining. You don't join the military and think that there will never ever be any reason to go to war, so really, you're safe. That's idiocy. When you join a militant group (no matter who the leader is) you have to expect that at some point there will be war on some level or another.

Eric W. said...

True. But she is entitled to give her opinion in a public fashion if she chooses and NOT get run over by some maniac who thinks he's going to be smart and show those ungrateful 'lefties'.

realdebate said...

Finds it funny you two communicate on the blog!

Shana said...

You should see us at home!

Eric W. said...

Hehehe, we try to communicate everywhere.