In France, the 10th day of rioting by French Muslims has gone by resulting in thousands of cars being torched and massive civil uprising. It would appear that having a large (10%) population that is not being 'melted' into the culture has resulted in a level of "jihad".
In Brazil this weekend to push the American Union, err...I mean free trade, was President Bush.
The Washinton Post, reports the following -
"President Bush challenged Latin American leaders on Sunday to choose between competing visions, one that would ensure social justice through democracy and free enterprise and another that would reverse progress by eroding democratic institutions and heightening fear."Soooooo, it's the old speech from 9/11, 'if you're not with me, than you're against me.' In addition, by directing the comments at the supposed Venezuela dictator Hugo Chavez, it further polarizes the argument. Why, if you're not with Bush, then you're with Chavez and Fidel Castro.
Now let's do something that we rarely like to do in this sound bite, media driven country. Think.
According to the Post's version of Bush's rhetoric, we get the following:
- There are ONLY two options, that, surprise, surprise are in diametric opposition to one another.
- HIS vision ensures social justice and democracy. (I am reminded of a bumper sticker that I recently saw, "It's a REPUBLIC, George!")
- Not accepting his vision 'heightens FEAR' and erodes democratic institutions.
Now follow me here.
With regards to immigration and the border, many conservatives talking heads have good takes on much of this information. However, I believe they come up short of realizing the total intent of those that push these machinations of supposed "free trade" upon us.
They view the open American border as a result of spineless inaction on the part of Republicans and cold calculation on the part of Democrats.
I believe the truth is far more insidious. BOTH sides want the border wide open because they create a base/incentive for creating an American Union. This creates the instability needed to usher in 'regulations' needed to control all peoples in all nations. I believe we are starting to see a culmination of this practice taking place in France right now. And we are seeing the same thing occurring in the so-called border war here at home.
This leaves all observers to basically come to a few possible conclusions -
- Our leaders are inept, if not incapable of doing their constitutional and elected duties and as such should be removed. Immediately.
- Their intent is less than honorable and they stand benefit financially and politically. They fully intend to sell us out in order to sell us their 'solution'.
1 comment:
Of note:
After Dec 2006 we will be required to have passports to travel to Canada, Mexico and anywhere in the western hemisphere. Free trade (of people) and dollars has gotten more expensive. Travel means passport..passport means registration.
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