Ah, the French -
Men seen as likely to be violent towards their wives could be forced to wear an electronic tag under a law being debated by the French parliament.I can see the average Frenchman - "As long as it isn't me." But wait, there's more -
The tag would have to be worn by men who have received a court order to stay away from their partner.
The proposal is part of a draft law on conjugal violence. It has cross-party support and is expected to pass easily. (Emphasis mine)
Parliament is also considering outlawing psychological violence in the home, because it is seen by many as a precursor to physical violence. It is rare for the left and the right in France to agree on anything, says the BBC's Hugh Schofield, so the near unanimity in parliament behind this law comes as something of a novelty.
The decades old wars on poverty, drugs and terror seem to have done wonders for stopping said societal ills. Oh, that's right, they're worse. But certainly we must DO SOMETHING.
This is an easy one to predict. Who is going to want to marry, when the simple act of "legally" marrying is to open up a whole new category of criminal offenses against oneself? Especially for all of you who think that individuals don't legally marry because they're "sinful".
Not to mention what of the women that abuse their husbands? Or the wives that lie. Oh, that's right, that never happens.
The fact of the matter is, it's a blatantly sexist (targets men only) and purely subjective. If women can get protection from "abusive" yelling, then men should get protection from "abusive" crying. After all, this psychologically destroys the male psyche after enduring years of abuse via mood swings and the like. This is not good law, not even close.
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