Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tax Your ATM Withdrawals?

Wow, this certainly reminds me of an episode of Simpsons, in which the town levies an insane and ever growing bevy of taxes on a film studio filming in their town. While seemingly absurd at the time, we are reaching further and further into the sheer demented insanity of unquenchable government when an individual can't move his money from one location to another without being taxed!
When Lanny Davis drops an op-ed, there tends to be more to it. So we should take note that he’s got Democrats signing onto a plan to tax your ATM withdrawals.

Why, you ask? Well, to pay down the deficit.

Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-Pa.) has introduced Davis’s dream legislation. It would charge a penny for every dollar of your money drawn from an ATM machine. That would then beg the question — why put your money in a bank if you are going to get taxed merely for the right to access your money.
The Real Effect
Presumably, any form of freedom is extinct in this country when you can't remove your money from your bank that you have already been taxed on, without being taxed again. Ostensibly, you need to pay an individual when a service is rendered, but the Federal government would have you believe that the act of you simply moving your money is an event which needs to be paid for.

This could be comical based off the sheer temerity of the idea if it didn't threaten so many people's well being.

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