Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Glenn Beck, Restoring America and Fascism - Part 2 - The Man

In part one, we covered the overwhelming desire for liberty inherit in the American Tea Party movement. In part two we cover the man himself, Glenn Beck.

First, I must confess that I was an individual who used to regularly listen to the Glenn Beck program if, for no other purpose, the sheer entertainment value. This was a ways back in the era of “Bobo the Puppy” (2003) and Terri Schiavo and I used to listen to his program daily. Beck, to me, seemed a fairly sincere, but perhaps a little over the top in his delivery, his seemingly incredible ability to catch individuals and entities in massive illogical positions.

After some time, I began to grow suspicious of Beck’s seemingly uneven “awakenings” that would he would embrace at various times throughout his program. Beck would ardently defend a given position and when it seemed as though he was losing popular ground, he would 'come to his senses' and repent of his former position, generally in his melodramatic, sobbing, 'God save me, a lonely sinner' sort of way.

At the time, I couldn't necessarily nail down any specific position that seemed inconsistent, at least not one I can remember now, however it suffices to say I was growing more suspicious of his sincerity on any given issue. At that point, perhaps around 2004, I stopped listening altogether.
Fast forward to today and it seems as though he is still following the same script. Let's look at a few of these issues shall we?
At a bare minimum, who can take this man as anything other than an entertainer? Which incidentally, is exactly what he purports to be.

In part 3, we will examine the rally itself; what was it, why the Lincoln Memorial?

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