Monday, August 30, 2010

Glenn Beck, Restoring America and Fascism - Part 1 - Liberty

For those of you living under a rock the past few months, Glenn Beck, a fairly prominent Conservative talk-show host, held a substantial rally called Restoring America. The rally was reported by various media outlets as having an attendance ranging from 90,000 to 500,000 people. Regardless of the actual numbers, this is no small feat. Whatever your stance may be, the accomplishment needs to be realised as an incredible act.

However, I think it is far too easy to view Beck as the reason of this massive outing and overlook the probability that it is not Beck himself but rather his message that is commanding this sort of crowd in this age of online streaming. One only needs to observe the absolutely massive growth of the grassroots movements, particularly the Campaign for Liberty movement and the Tea Parties to see the message that is claiming the adherence of these throngs. Liberty.

After all, Liberty is the force that drove the Pilgrims to brave the brutal Northern Atlantic, often at the cost of their lives, to settle in a hostile environment. Liberty pushed the reaches of this country westward as it gave numerous citizens a chance in it's vast lands. Is it really all that surprising that Liberty, that most precious of all rights, has done what was previously unfathomable and moved the American public from it's couches out into the streets?

There are those that would say that it is galvanization that has pushed these people into the open, that they despise the direction that America is headed. It is tempting to think that, however it is not so much tyranny that the people have been responding against. True, this dread word has commanded our attention while poised at our doorsteps as if waiting to devour our every move. No, the dread word has merely revived that which lie dormant in us for this long time and stoked that righteous fire within each and every one of us. The desire for liberty.

It is this clarion call which Beck has been able to draw from to form not only this rally, but many of his avid listeners. But just who is this man and what is he doing? In part two we shall examine many of the oddities surrounding this watershed event.

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