Monday, August 23, 2010

Israel and World War III - Part 5, The Script - Religious Flaming

The Real Effect February 2006  -
The global planners are literally banking on this bait-and-switch tactic in order to drive most decent people into believing that 'the other side out to get us' to goad us into 'getting them before they get us'. One only needs to look at the flimsy excuses being offered in the official 9/11 story to see this idea in action. (Like many of the alleged hijackers are still alive.)
Just observe the heated argument surrounding the "Ground Zero Mosque" to observe this concept being toyed with already. I believe that this has moved past the propaganda phase and has moved into the implementation phase where they will drive the world into a religious war in an attempt to harmonize the religions into peace. It's the Hegelian Dialectic in action - Problem, reaction, solution.

Look for increasing talks of "universal threats" "all mankind""human crimes" "crimes against the planet" as more and more nationalistic/religious fervor is whipped up into an irrational protectionist frenzy. Specifically an "us or them" mentality that seeks to drive one country against country and religion against religion setting up the "We can't be trusted to run our countries OR religions because it only results in bloodshed."

This will be fueled by the economic crisis/Depression but it is merely bait to get the players to the table. But just who are the players?

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