"One day before national elections here, Jerusalem police this morning closed the Temple Mount to Jews and Christians in response to what officials say are specific threats – mostly by Muslim groups – related to disrupting the voting."
"We had information that if the Jews come to the Temple Mount, the Muslims will start violence."
"But Raed Sallah, leader of the Islamic Movement, an extremist group that promotes Muslim sovereignty over the Mount, reportedly has been delivering speeches at Israeli mosques urging Muslims to rush to the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Mount before elections to protect it from "Jewish attacks.""
The Real Effect
We seem to have some confusion about this situation and my experience has taught me that when things are somewhat obscure, both sides may have valid information. In this case it seems plausible that both sides are telling some of the truth. As such what do we know for sure?
- Muslims have provoked violence at the site before.
- Muslims appear to have unrestricted access to the site a day before Israeli elections.
- Muslims are claiming that they would like to "protect it from "Jewish attacks."
- Israel could attack their own site.
- In order to have Jerusalem as the world's undivided epicenter for world religion, the Dome of the Rock has to go.
Keep an eye on the morning prayers at the site as being a potential target for an attack on the Dome of the Rock. If this happens, Iran will inevitably be blamed, Israel will launch attacks on Iran and a solid protectorate candidate will win in the Israeli elections.
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