Seeing as how Zhirinovsky was a raving lunatic at least half the time, I was extremely wary to run the news on my site. However, even the most delusional of us is privy to good and timely information so I decided to pair this information with other notable reports.
John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations "has told British MPs that military action could bring Iran's nuclear programme to a halt if all diplomatic efforts fail." All of this comes right before the meeting of the IAEA to refer Iran to the U.N. Security Council.
The Real Effect
Seeing as how there are so many different ways to handle the situation, I am unsure of what the script is on the Iran situation. It has been roughly five years since the last major terrorist incident in the United States so one form of logic would dictate that in order to justify the invasion in the American psyche, the US would need to be attacked as it was before the Iraq war. Yet there has been no attack as of yet. Perhaps Israel will launch the attack and the U.S. will assist.
The truth be told, the date hardly matters as much as the effect this action will have on the mideast as a whole. Of course according to Dick Cheney we could just nuke the entire region.
The Iranian solution will be an invasion. The overiding question is when?
Edited for appearance and labels on 5/3/2010.
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