Monday, June 09, 2008

Bilderberg 2008

Well the Bilderbergers have finished with their annual meeting and I have at least some of the info discussed at the meeting. According to Jim Tucker (AFP) speaking on the Alex Jones show today -
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates was positively identified at the conference. While there, he pushed for a U.S. led war on Iran citing the possibility of nuclear threat. According to reports, the European Bilderbergers (2/3 of the 140 people present) are strongly against this.
  • Under the guise of 'fighting terrorism' governments will report that terrorists are attempting to recruit people 'that don't look like terrorists'.
  • In one of the main hall discussions, the Bilderbergers are talking about going through with microchipping the population in order to fight terrorism.
  • The Sec. of Transportation was pushing for a U.S. national database that will contain everyone's personal information.
The Real Effect
For all of you that reserve that bit of arrogant disdain for ‘conspiracy theories’, ask yourself the following question: How can a group which supposedly doesn’t exist release an official press release? And perhaps more to the point, if they don’t have any effect or set any policy, how is it that they are considerably ahead of the news/tech curve?

“The Conference will deal mainly with a nuclear free world, cyber terrorism, Africa, Russia, finance, protectionism, US-EU relations, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Islam and Iran.”

Let’s pick this apart:

  • “a nuclear free world” “Iran” – Will the globalists attack Iran? (And how can the world be “nuclear free” if the United States does not give up their weapons?)
  • cyber terrorism” – Internet 2 and cyber monitoring.
  • "US -EU relations" - Bush is heading over to Europe.
I would look for much of this information to start leaking out in the mainstream media shortly. Perhaps an editorial in the Washington Post? From there we will know more about where they want to take these points.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back at it Eric!

I noticed infowars mention that Hillary & Obama had there "secret meeting" in a location that was just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the conference.

Ron Paul hung up his campaign jacket this week too, and donned his revolutionary one. Interesting news indeed.
