Monday, November 02, 2009

Ukraine Situation Escalates

This situation becomes more disconcerting in the Ukraine.
It was reported that light aircraft were seen over the Forest market area of the city (close to the Forest metro station) and they were spraying an aerosol substance intended to “counter swine flu”, this of course would constitute forced medication of the population.

The editors of local newspapers in Kiev received dozens of phone calls from concerned residents and shop owners in the Forest market area of the city reporting they had observed several light airplanes circling in the sky during the day spraying an unidentified aerosol into the atmosphere.

Reports of helicopters and light airplanes spraying aerosols over Kiev, Lviv, Ternopil, and other cities throughout Ukraine are tonight flooding online forums and websites, hundreds of people have verified the reports with their own eye-witness accounts.

An order from President Yushchenko is expected soon that will effectively place Ukraine under “martial law”.

Nine regions of Ukraine have declared a quarantine around the country and public events have been banned (including the elections).The Clergy have been ordered not to hold any Church or religious services on Sundays or to gather a congregation for any reason whatsoever. Police are also enforcing the compulsory wearing of protective face masks, any driver caught not wearing a mask faces harsh legal penalties.

Another report states:
The Health Ministry says 53 people have died over the last week from flu and other respiratory diseases. Almost 185,000 people are suffering, and more than 7,000 have been transferred to hospitals. Of those, 123 are in critical condition.

Ukrainian government has made an emergency purchase of Tamiflu medicine from Switzerland. A shipment of 300 million doses, worth $2.5 million, was airlifted on Sunday night.
And they’re treating it with Tamiflu. Useless.

What doesn’t help matters is this report that -
The Huffington Post reported on a a man named Joseph Moshe who was arrested after a hours long standoff with the police because he had supposedly made threats against the White House. The man was able to withstand multiple rounds of tear gas.

However, the internet community was very skeptical of the true reasons behidn this man’s arrest. Comments on the Huffington Post website immediately began pouring in about an unreported side to this story, namely that Joseph Moshe was a Mossad Agent specialized in biological warfare who called into a radio show to warn people about a biological weapn that was being made by Baxter international that would be spread through vaccine and would cause a plague upon it’s release.
The Real Effect
My take at this point is this – I believe that there is a new ‘strain’ of the flu circulating in the Ukraine that seems very similar to the hemoraghic pneumonia that was reported being reported by Steve Quayle a few months ago and later sighted. It is very possible that this is being spread via vaccination and I doubt that the reported chemtrailing is helping. If anything it’s probably spreading the symptoms which will increase the panic and increase the vaccination rate. A win-win for the pharmaceutical companies. And to make maters even more interesting, China has some cases too.

At a bare minimum, facts and logic will not rule and fear will drive the response. How far will this go? I can't really say now.

Edited 8/2/2010 for appearance.

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