Thursday, February 04, 2010

More On Flight 253

Perhaps this will shed some light as to why I started in on the Underwear Bomber yesterday.

$5 Billion Dollar IMF Swing Behind Attack on Flight 253?
Bruce Sargent
February 3, 2010

Was a $5 billion dollar swing for the IMF facilitated by the attack on Flight 253? Yes.

Flash Back to Early Last December: A $5 billion dollar IMF investment is threaten by revolution in Yemen. Umaru Mutallab, who heads the Jaiz Bank, with links to the Islamic Development Bank, banks that are also heavily invested in Yemen, faces major losses along with the IMF. Revolution and the loss of billions is imminent. Umaru son, the Detroit Bomber, sparks a fire on Flight 253. This sparks a US intervention. Investments of Umaru and of the IMF are saved.

The following from American Everyman:

“Now, here is what we have learned;

• Yemen increased its national debt to the tune of 5 billion dollars from July to September of this year. The IMF, World Bank, and Paris Club members are on the hook [for the loss] for that money if the revolution in Yemen is successful.

• A World Bank and IMF indebted super wealthy “free-market” reformer in Nigeria [Abdulmuttab's Father] goes to the State Department and then to the CIA in Nigeria to talk about his son.

• That same son, for reasons unknown decides “out of the blue” to sit on a small amount of explosives in a plane in Detroit. The CIA somehow misses the warning signs.

• The FBI announces immediately that the son “confessed’ that it was all Yemen’s fault.

• After the attack, all the banking controlled congressmen and the Obama administration announce we will attack “the terrorists” in Yemen and thus help “stabilize” the current corrupt government of that nation.”

Maybe with a plea bargain, short sentence, good behavior and cooperation, Adbdulmutallab will return to Nigeria and assist his family fortunes more directly.

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