Very well. Smaller government sounds good. Saving $100 billion in the first year alone sounds like a lot. Now, what was the federal budget in 2010? According to "A New Era of Responsibility: Renewing America's Promise" which is the Orwellian title for The United States Federal Budget for Fiscal Year 2010, the 2010 budget is $3.552 trillion. And according to the most recent estimate in July, the deficit alone is going to be $1.47 trillion instead of the $1.171 trillion originally forecast.The Real Effect
So, Republicans are going to cut 2.8% of the federal budget, or if you prefer, 6.8% of the federal budget deficit. In other words, if the nation were a car speeding towards a canyon at 70 miles per hour, the Republicans master plan for saving the passengers would be to slow the car down to 65.2 MPH!
Back in 2008 it was an absolute joy to watch all the idiotic nonsense surrounding "Hope and Change". At the time, one would have thought that Jesus himself had returned and parted the Re(d)publican Sea and led the Democrats into the promised land. By golly this country had seen the light and was going to move forward, for whatever that's worth. Just, two short years later and the Dems are turning on Obama by the legions and joining in the new wave of Republican righteousness.
To this end, the new Tea Party, copying the success of the original Tea Party founded in the aftermath of the amazing End the Fed/Ron Paul/Campaign for Liberty rallies of 2007, has left it's roots searching for a new pimp to hook it up with THE POWER.
Yet, despite all of their insistence to the contrary, the new Tea Party has bought the red version of the same pill handed to the Democrats in 2008. Sure, all the rhetoric sounds good (as it did in 1980, 1994, 2000), but we all know that once she's in the car, the Tea Party will be relegated to the back seat with the children while the adults govern the country just as they have in the past. Poorly.
The Real Effect covered this in July, Sept 28, and the Religious War series, in which the case was laid out for a major betrayal of the Tea Party once the right rides their coat-tails into Washington, robs them, and leaves them on the side of the road. This leads us to the present election.
So prediction time: I believe it's going to be an absolute blowout tomorrow with the Republicans regaining the House for sure and probably going to slight lead in the Senate. (1 seat advantage?). This will set the stage for the next 2 years as the talk becomes less about big government, rights and liberty and more about retaining the power so that the next most important election everrrrrr can be morphed into supporting the Republican right.
In addition, this will lead to calls from the religious right about supporting our "authorities" in their time of need to turn back the tide of evil. In other words, the election will become a stepping grounds towards rempowering the neocons over the neolibs in the 2012 election and I believe that morality will become a very important election issue at that point.
The original Tea Party however, becomes marginalized as the economic situation plays out with the right siding with the Fraudulent Banksters, big government and globalists because the problems were just too much, the banks were too big to fail and no one could have seen the crash coming.
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