Monday, October 03, 2011

Rage Grips the Country as the Protests Intensify Into Riot Material

Just who are these people -

The leftist juggernaut, a Democratic Party front which vehemently backed Obama’s 2008 election campaign, is set to hijack the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests this week, which is pretty ironic given the fact that the Obama administration is a creature of Wall Street itself.

After largely staying out of the protests thus far, “ is expected to mobilize its extensive online regional networks to drum up support for the effort,” reports Crain’s New York Business.
The Real Effect
Just like the "Tea Party" Express is not the Tea Party, the communists that will infiltrate these groups are also not the Tea Party. Funny how one group can comprise of commies, neocons and union thugs without it's permission. Mostly because the real Tea Party is nebulous and has no formal declarations. True, there are groups that are more rigid, but meet a real Tea Party member and you'll generally encounter a genuine libertarian that is pro-gun, pro-liberty and anti-globalist.

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