Wednesday, August 17, 2005

London Shooting Was a 'Mistake'

On July 22, Jean Charles De Menezes wandered from an apartment and tried to board the tube over in good 'ole England. The result? He was shot repeatedly in the head and is now dead.

In documents obtained by ITV news, much of the 'official' story regarding the slaying of the innocent man is now falling apart. It has been revealed that he was not in fact wearing a "heavy coat" nor was he running from law enforcement but
"even stopp(ed) to pick up a free newspaper."
His mistake? He ran to get ON the train. (has anyone here tried to catch a bus?)

A witness stated -
"I then pushed him back on to the seat where he had been previously sitting." and then Jean was shot in the HEAD SEVEN TIMES!
The Real EffectDo we really want to live in a world where police shoot a suspect in the head when he runs? This man admittedly posed no threat to his fellow passengers and yet he was murdered. Put yourself in his shoes and see if you would like the local sheriff blowing your brains all over the sidewalk because you came out of the same building as a suspected terrorist. This IS the definition of a police state where you are guilty until proven innocent.

Edited for appearance and labels on 3/2/2010.

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