And perhaps we can just open up a drive-thru voting booth so as not to "disenfranchise" those who do not wish to get out of their cars. Doyle is out of his mind vetoing this legislation with regard to his supposed rationalization that somehow some who are able to function in a world which demands ID's at every turn cannot find the ability to produce one to secure a vote.
Same stuff different day.
No kidding. Perhaps we could get some leaders that actually want to do something serious about some real issues.
Well, now the illegals will be safe to vote, and anyone who wants to can vote 2 or 3 times! (note the sarcasm?)
And perhaps we can just open up a drive-thru voting booth so as not to "disenfranchise" those who do not wish to get out of their cars.
Doyle is out of his mind vetoing this legislation with regard to his supposed rationalization that somehow some who are able to function in a world which demands ID's at every turn cannot find the ability to produce one to secure a vote.
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